ECKO Extract

Ecklonia is cultivated and harvested from natural beds in the Pacific waters off Baja California. It is characterized by always remaining submerged, ensuring a stable and rich nutritional composition.
Ecklonia extract is known for its ability to stimulate plant growth. It contains natural hormones such as auxins and cytokinins that promote cell division and elongation, resulting in more robust plants with accelerated development.
ECKO extract helps plants better withstand stressful conditions such as droughts, extreme temperatures, and salinity. The bioactive compounds present in Ecklonia enhance the plant’s natural resistance to adverse environmental factors.
Phlorotannins (polyphenols) are a unique group of polymers synthesized by brown algae, in this case by Ecklonia. They are structurally analogous to tannins found in terrestrial plants. The biological functions (phytoactivity) of phlorotannins play an important role in cell wall formation and structure, UV protection, and as a possible defense mechanism against herbivory.
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